Collections Work
We rely on the enormous efforts of undergraduate students to help us curate our collection of feathers. Our student workers are volunteers or are hired through a work study.
Read our lab expectations to see if our lab is a good fit for you and message Dr. Kristen Ruegg to inquire about open positions.
Undergraduate Research
We offer two opportunities for undergraduate research. First, we host students for a summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The REU summer program offers undergraduate students a chance to conduct a research project in close proximity to scientists in their field of interest, while earning a stipend. Second, students in the Honors College can complete a senior Honors Thesis where they work on a research project during their last year of college.
Reach out to Dr. Kristen Ruegg to inquire about Honors Thesis opportunities and REU openings during the summer.

Volunteer Bird Banding
We strive to provide our undergraduate students opportunities to get out of the lab and into the field! Volunteer or work study students can join banding dates that are typically held during spring or fall migration. Here, they have a chance to observe and learn the entire bird banding process, and may even be able to gain hands on experience. Check out some photos here.