Swainson’s Thrush

The three genetically distinct populations of Swainson’s Thrush (Catharus ustulatus) (left map) across the breeding range: Pacific Coast (yellow), Pacific Northwest (green), and W_E Boreal (blue). Individuals sampled on the wintering grounds (right map) were then assigned back to one of these genetic clusters, allowing us to better understand the migratory connectivity of Swainson’s Thrush populations. Genetic clusters are visualized as transparency levels of different colors overlaid upon a base map from Natural Earth (naturalearthdata.com) and clipped to the species breeding range using an eBird shapefile. Swainson’s Thrush Image by © Birds of the World

Team: We integrated Swainson’s Thrush (Catharus ustulatus) samples from across the breeding and wintering range to create the above genoscape with the help of a large team of collaborators, including Nick Bayly of Selva, Kevin Winker from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Keith Hobson of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ben Winger from the University of Michigan, Marius Somveille from the University College London, and Ana Gonzalez of the Canadian Wildlife Service – Pacific Region.

Bird Migration Explorer: Click here to see how Audubon’s Bird Migration Explorer has incorporated our Swainson’s Thrush genoscape into their base map.