Bird Camp
Each year we work in collaboration with the CSU Environmental Learning Center to host field trips for 4-6th grade students from Title I schools in Fort Collins. During Bird Camp, students learn about the magic of observing birds through binoculars, the importance of bird banding and, of course, the value of using DNA to track populations.

National Geographic Education
To teach children about the threats that migratory birds face and the value of using DNA to track populations, we worked with National Geographic Education and DaysEdge Productions to create a short film entitle ‘Tales of a Tail-feather.’ The film is hosted on a National Geographic Education website in association with lesson plans for teachers of grades 5-12.

Mapping Migrations
Hosted on the hhmi Biointeractive website, we’re working on a video entitled “Mapping Migrations: The Bird Genoscape Project” in order to reach a broader audience about migratory birds and DNA. This video will focus on using the Spanish language first with English subtitles. The final video and lesson plans are still in production, so stay tuned!

International Workshops
We take part in and host workshops to further bird conservation efforts between the United States and countries across the Western Hemisphere.

Undergraduate Mentorship
We work with undergraduate students at CSU to provide training across some of the aspects of the BGP including bird banding, curatorial work, and genomic lab work. Opportunities in our lab range from volunteering, to work study positions, to NSF REU summer internships.

Our team participates in webinars to communicate the results of our work and to increase its reach and impact. Please contact us if you’re interested in hosting us for a webinar where we talk about our genoscape work!