Loggerhead Shrike

We are starting to build a genoscape for the Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) across its large breeding and wintering ranges. We are working with Dr. Amy Chabot, Research and Conservation Programs Director for African Lion Safari and Co-Founder of the Canadian Species Initiative, Dr. Vicki Friesen of Queen’s University, and PhD student Alisa Samuelson of Queen’s University. Other partners include members of the Loggerhead Shrike Working Group. The Working Group seeks to develop, support and implement coordinated, multi-jurisdictional research and conservation efforts for the Loggerhead Shrike and their habitat through collaborative initiatives. We are also interested in understanding the genetic basis of migratory behavior in the Loggerhead Shrike, as this species includes non-migrants, partial-migrants and long-distance migrants. This work builds off of Amy Chabot’s long-term project with Loggerhead Shrikes looking at migratory connectivity. You can read about that study here. If you are interested in collecting or donating Loggerhead Shrike samples from any location, please contact Amanda Carpenter to learn more about how you can participate and contribute to the project.


Check back later for updates on our progress of completing a genoscape for the Loggerhead Shrike!