Dark-eyed Junco
The Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) is a ubiquitous species, with six distinct morphotypes across its range in the United States and Canada: Slate-colored, Oregon, Gray-headed, Red-backed, Pink-sided, and White-winged.
Building off of previous research, we’re constructing a genoscape for the Dark-eyed Junco complex in collaboration with Dr. Maria Stager at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Dr. Ben Winger from the University of Michigan, Dr. Borja Milá and PhD student Javi Sala at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, and Postdoctoral researcher Phred Benham at the University of California Berkeley. In addition to adding more samples from across the breeding range, we’re also interested in better understanding the connectivity of migratory and wintering Dark-eyed Juncos.
We are actively collecting and seeking samples from locations across the Dark-eyed Junco’s range and during any time point of its annual cycle. Please contact Amanda Carpenter to learn more about how you can contribute to the project!
Check back later for updates on our progress of completing a genoscape for the Dark-eyed Junco!