Contribute Samples
The Bird Genoscape Project is a highly collaborative, multi-year project that relies on the participation and contributions of avian biologists, bird banders, and other partners from across the Western Hemisphere.
Feathers: We welcome feathers from any migratory or resident species, collected at any time of the year, including during migration. However, if you would like to prioritize your local efforts, species we are building or gearing up to build genoscapes for are outlined in our annual feather sampling protocol linked below. This file also contains important information about how to collect, handle, store, and ship samples to us as well as how we need your electronic metadata formatted.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to contribute feather (or *blood) samples to the Bird Genoscape Project, or for any other general inquiries including the need for pre-labeled BGP feather envelopes, please email our Lab Manager Amanda Carpenter.
*For those that have blood collection permissions and would like to contribute such samples, we can provide sampling kits and lysis buffer tubes.
Click the following link to view/download our protocol:
2025 Priority Species & Feather Sampling Protocol